Insights and stories

Renewable energy is powering green economic growth, creating energy security, and having a positive impact on communities and businesses across the globe. On the path to net-zero, we’re just getting started.

Taiwan is on its way to establishing itself as a regional leader in the transition to green energy. Taiwan sets an ambitious goal of net-zero.

We are proud of the role we are playing here. Our major offshore wind projects will soon be powering millions of homes and delivering real economic benefits. Renewables hold the key to future energy security and will be the foundation for decarbonising industry – the next step on the journey to net-zero.

Explore more about how our renewable energy solutions are transforming Taiwan and the global communities we engage in.

White papers

Dive deeper into our thinking about the pathway to a world that runs entirely on green energy.
Visual simulation of coral growing on wind turbine foundations

A new safe-haven for corals

We’re attempting to settle and grow coral larvae on our wind turbine foundations.