Partnering with Ørsted

Our partnership model.

We have a unique partnership model that contributes to developing the offshore wind industry by attracting financial partners. Entering into partnerships is an essential part of our business model in order to ensure financing for further development of the offshore wind industry.

  • Our partnership model contributes to the further development of offshore wind energy
  • Our extensive track record, our commitment to offshore wind energy and a unique risk sharing model are key elements in our partnership model

In order to ensure sufficient financing for our ambitious goals, Ørsted is putting great focus on partnerships with financial investors. Based on our unique partnership model, Ørsted has been able to attract partners ranging from Danish and international pension funds to large industrial players like Danish Kirkbi or Japanese Marubeni for our offshore wind projects.

For all of our partners, confidence in their investments has been based on three major pillars:

  • Our extensive track-record in development, construction and operation of large offshore wind farms
  • Our commitment to a long-term partnership where we take a major stake in the project
  • A unique risk sharing model which allows the investor to only share the risks they are comfortable with

The combination of those three key elements has made it possible to attract significant funds for the offshore wind build-out in today's financial markets.

A greener future

There is a clear interest from potential investors in being involved in the development of offshore wind energy. Together our joint effort will help bring down Cost of Electricity and make wind power a long term competitive energy resource.

Below is a list of some of our long term partners.


Asia Pacific partnership

Wind Farm Partner 
Formosa 1   Swancor, Macquarie and Jera

North American partnerships

Wind Farm    Partner 
 Coastal Viginia Dominion Energy
 Bay State Wind  Eversource

European partnerships

Wind Farm  Partner 
Anholt Havmøllepark PensionDenmark and PKA
Borkum Riffgrund 1 William Demant, Kirkbi
Nysted PensionDenmark, Stadtwerke Lübeck
Gunfleet Sands Marubeni
Horns Rev 1 Vattenfall
Lincs Siemens, Centrica
London Array E.on, Masdar, CDPQ
Walney SSER, OPW
West of Duddon Sands Scottish Power Renewables
Gode Wind 2 PKA, Industriens Pension, Lærernes Pension og Lægernes Pensionskasse
Westermost Rough Marubeni and UK Green Investment Bank
Race Bank Macquarie